Elevated Eye Care
We hold eye care to a higher standard—ensuring our patients are well taken care of in the long term, from their first visit to their tenth. Providing personalized, professional eye care throughout a patient’s life means we can offer quality service that consistently exceeds expectations.

About Us
Elevated Eye Care offers personalized optometry services in Columbus, Indiana. Our industry-leading professionals are always excited to help new patients with comprehensive eye exams, contact lens fittings, disease detection, or unexpected emergencies. Additionally, our offices include top-of-the-line technology that guarantees accuracy, efficiency, and peace of mind.
Our Team

Dr. Carrie A Huntington O.D.
Carrie Huntington has been practicing optometry in Columbus, Indiana, for over 17 years. Her passion for optical health started at an early age and led her to the Indiana School of Optometry, where she graduated in 2006. Now, she offers comprehensive eye exams, eye health evaluations, contact lens exams, and more at Elevated Eye Care.

Tiffany Cross
Tiffany Cross is an Ophthalmic Technician with over 26 years of medical field experience. During the week, you can find Tiffany answering phone calls, scheduling eye exams, and administering pre-testing for Dr. Huntington. She plans to finish her nursing degree at IUPUC soon.

Amanda Perry
Amanda Perry is an Ophthalmic Technician with over 20 years of medical field experience, 5 dedicated to optometry. During office hours, you can find Amanda in the pretesting room facilitating patient exams, educating patients about our equipment, making lenses for prescription glasses in the lab, or helping patients pick their perfect frames on the Eyemart Express retail floor.

Our Services
Comprehensive Eye Exams
Comprehensive eye exams are highly recommended for all adults. Even without a family history of eye disease, our state-of-the-art equipment can detect and diagnose cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, plaquenil ocular toxicity, or macular degeneration early enough to slow, prevent, or reverse their effects. We recommend that all adults have their eyes examined every 2 years at least. Those with a history of eye disease should have an exam more frequently: once or twice a year.
Primary Care
Regular eye exams are crucial for maintaining good eye health and early detection of common eye diseases and ailments. Whether you have them once or twice a year, scheduling these exams is a great way to keep your prescription current and maintain healthy eyes.
Senior Eye Care
65+ year-olds should have a comprehensive eye exam at least once a year. Beyond this age, changes to eye tissue and structure occur much faster, so staying on top of your eye health should be prioritized.
Eye Disease Evaluations
Elevated Eye Care has the equipment and experience to evaluate, diagnose, and offer treatment plans for various eye diseases. The process usually involves eye dilation. Cataracts: The leading cause of vision problems for people over 40 years old, Cataracts occur when your eye’s lens behind the pupil becomes clouded. You may only notice symptoms once cataracts are well-developed, so routine eye exams with your optometrist are the quickest way to identify early onset. Glaucoma: Another common vision disorder for people over 40, Glaucoma involves damage to the optic nerve, usually caused by increased pressure inside the eye. Diabetic Retinopathy: A disease of the retina caused by diabetes. The initial stages of the disease involve weakened blood vessels in each eye which causes blurry vision and potentially legal blindness. Macular Degeneration: This disease causes loss of central vision due to damaged retinas. It comes in two forms: atrophic (dry) and exudative (wet). Detection and treatment options for either version vary. Plaquenil Ocular Toxicity: Taking the medication Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) can potentially cause retinal toxicity. Optometrist evaluation for ocular toxicity is necessary because effective treatment depends on swift detection. If the issue develops far enough, it usually results in acuity, peripheral vision, and night vision loss.
Dry Eye Treatments
Dry Eye is when your tear glands don’t produce enough tears, potentially causing visual impairment and discomfort. At Elevated Eye Care, we offer treatments for chronic dry eyes. Give us a call, and we’ll schedule you for a dry eye appointment.
Contact Lens Exams
Our office performs contact lens examinations. Whether you’re a new or existing contacts wearer, we’ll help determine how viable soft contact lenses are for you, including type, brand, and modality. Additionally, we’ll evaluate how well your contacts will fit, their prescription, and how comfortable they are while you’re wearing them.
Pediatric Eye Care
Early eye development is a critical step for children. It is recommended that children start getting eye exams at 6 months old, with their first follow-up exam between ages 2 and 3. Signs your child may be experiencing vision problems: •Eye rubbing •Squinting •Covering one eye when trying to focus •Headaches •Excessive blinking
Visual Information Processing Training
Visual Processing Dysfunction (VPD) encompasses a variety of children's vision issues. It’s similar to dyslexia and unrelated to optical clarity. Processing and interpreting visual information based on what the eyes see is essential for academic, athletic, and social development. With Visual Information Processing Training, we’ll create a custom therapy program to treat your child’s visual processing struggles.
Eye Emergencies
If you experience an eye injury or a sudden vision change, contact our office immediately for an emergency visit. Examples include: •Pink Eye •Red Eye •Eye infection •Foreign body removal •Experiencing flashes of light •Etc.
Orthokeratology is a non-invasive, surgery-free option for correcting nearsightedness. Often compared to getting braces (but for your eyes), Ortho-K uses specially designed contact lenses that you wear at night and remove during the day. With repeated use, they’ll slowly reshape your cornea, slightly flattening the center, allowing light to bend into the eye more efficiently and offering significant vision improvement. Give our office a call to see if Ortho-K is right for you.
Asked Questions
What is your total out-of-pocket exam fee?For a Comprehensive Eye Exam, it’s $59. For a Comprehensive Eye Exam + Retinal Imaging, it’s $79.
How much does it cost for a soft contact lens fitting?Depending on certain factors, it varies between $35 - $55.
Do you accept my insurance?We accept the following insurance: Always Care Superior Spectera NVA Davis Avesis Envolve Healthy Indiana Plan Ambetter Community Eye Care MES Vision Care Direct VBA Eyemed VSP - Preferred Out of Network
How do I use my insurance?Please contact us, and our staff will happily assist you!
I don’t know which vision insurance I have. What should I do?To check your insurance, contact your HR department or call the phone number on the back of your medical insurance card.
I have pink eye. Should I contact an optometrist or my primary care physician?Contact your optometrist first. As eye specialists, we’re better equipped to diagnose and treat eye-related ailments.
Do I need to bring anything to my eye exam?Yes. Please bring your current glasses or contacts and your insurance card if applicable.
I still have more questions. Who should I contact?Give us a call at (812) 900-7182, and we’ll be happy to answer any remaining questions you may have!

Contact Us
Our Address
(812) 900-6556
Opening Hours
Monday: 9 AM - 6 PM
Tuesday: CLOSED
Wednesday - Thursday: 9 AM - 5 PM
Friday: 9 AM - 6 PM
Saturday: 9 AM - 4 PM
Sunday: CLOSED