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Dr. Clement Nwadozi

For Dr. Clement Nwadozi, optometry allows him to promote good eye health and overall well-being for everyone in the Lansing area. Using the latest technology for diagnosis and treatment, Dr. Nwadozi’s practice aims to enhance the vision of every patient.

About Us

About Us

Dr. Clement Nwadozi is an optometrist who offers optical services for the whole family, as well as ocular disease and contact lens services. Conveniently located near West Saginaw Highway in Lansing, MI, Dr. Nwadozi treats patients in both English and Spanish.

Dr. Nwadozi’s practice uses the latest technology in optometry, including optical coherence tomography (OCT). A non-invasive imaging test, an OCT scan, allows Dr. Nwadozi to map and measure the thickness of a patient’s retinas, which helps him diagnose eye diseases like glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, and diabetic eye disease in the early stages.

Our Team

Dr. Clement Nwadozi
Get To Know
Dr. Clement Nwadozi

Dr. Clement Nwadozi attended the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, where he earned his Doctor of Optometry degree. After this, Dr. Nwadozi completed a residency at the Northeastern State University Oklahoma College of Optometry. Dr. Nwadozi has been a practicing optometrist since 2016, and he specializes in family practice, ocular disease, and vision therapy.

Our Team

Our Services

Eye Exams

Most people only visit an optometrist when they have a problem with their vision or an eye emergency, but all adults should schedule a comprehensive eye examination at least every two years. Anyone with a vision problem or a family history of eye disease (such as cataracts or glaucoma) should schedule eye exams once or twice a year. During an eye exam, Dr. Nwadozi will use the latest technology in optometry to assess the health of your eyes and the clarity of your vision.

Contact Lens

Dr. Nwadozi offers contact lens exams and several soft contact lens options to help patients who want to correct their vision without wearing glasses. During the exam, Dr. Nwadozi will determine if you are a good candidate for contact lenses, the best type of lenses for you, and your prescription. For patients who are trying contact lenses for the first time and those who have used them for years, Dr. Nwadozi will ensure you get a comfortable fit and clear vision.

Primary Care

Your visual health is important to your overall health, which is why everyone should schedule an eye exam at least every 1-2 years to assess their vision and check for eye diseases. Some eye diseases, like cataracts and glaucoma, do not have symptoms when they first develop, but a routine eye exam can catch early signs and offer more treatment options to preserve your vision.

Eye Emergencies

Eye emergencies can happen at the most inconvenient time, but it’s important to see an optometrist as soon as possible to prevent long-term damage. If your eyes are red or you have symptoms of pink eye (itchy eyes, thick yellow discharge, excessive tearing, crusty eyes), contact Dr. Nwadozi’s Practice right away to schedule an emergency appointment.


Cataracts are a clouding in the eye’s lens, which results in blurry vision. The most common eye disease in people over 40, cataracts, develop slowly over time with few or no symptoms, but they can be detected and treated early with regular eye exams.


Glaucoma is known as the “silent thief of sight” because by the time symptoms appear, permanent vision loss has usually already started. This is why it’s so important for adults to get regular eye exams after age 40, even if they don’t have vision problems. Dr. Nwadozi uses an optical coherence tomography (OCT) scan to get clear images of the retina and determine any subtle changes over time that may indicate glaucoma.

Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is a customized treatment plan to help communication between the brain and eyes in children. Eye exercises and other therapies are used to improve developing eyes that may have a condition such as amblyopia (lazy eye), convergence insufficiency, double vision, strabismus (crossed eyes), and more. Schedule an evaluation with Dr. Nwadozi if your child has any difficulties with hand-eye coordination, visual processing issues, trouble focusing on objects, or other visual concerns.

Our Services

Asked Questions

Eye Test Glasses

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Our Address
Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Sat - Sun: CLOSED


Located next to Los Tres Amigos
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