Dr. Justin Valenti
At Dr. Valenti’s Practice, our goal is to improve the lives of our patients in Springfield, Illinois, by helping them see better. Using the latest equipment to assess optical health, Dr. Justin Valenti works with every patient to improve their well-being.
About Us
Optometrist Dr. Justin Valenti performs a wide range of optical services. This includes treating many conditions, like eye infections, foreign body removal, ulcers, abrasions, and ocular manifestations from systemic diseases (such as diabetes). With appointments available Monday through Saturday, Dr. Valenti’s Practice also takes walk-ins when possible. At Dr. Valenti’s Practice, we offer the following services for patients living in and around Springfield, Illinois:
Contact lens evaluations
Retinal imaging
Visual fields
Our Team

Get To Know
Dr. Justin Valenti
Dr. Justin Valenti received his undergraduate degree from the University of Illinois and his Doctor of Optometry from the University of Missouri in 2011. For over ten years, Dr. Valenti has been practicing primary care optometry with an emphasis on nutrition and supplementation for various ocular pathologies.

Our Services
Eye Exams
At least once every two years, all adults should receive a comprehensive eye exam to check their vision and to look for early signs of eye disease. Anyone with a genetic predisposition to eye diseases should schedule an eye exam once or twice every year. At Dr. Valenti’s Practice, the latest diagnostic equipment is used to detect the earliest stages of cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and other eye diseases before permanent vision loss occurs.
Contact Lens
For both new and returning contact lens users, Dr. Valenti performs contact lens exams to help get you the best contact lenses for your needs. In addition to checking your vision to determine your prescription, Dr. Valenti will recommend the best type of contact lenses to give you a comfortable fit.
Geriatric Eye Care
To maintain your eye health after age 65, it’s important to schedule eye exams at least once a year to check for eye diseases. The risk of many eye diseases (including glaucoma, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration) increases with age, so frequent testing can detect problems before they affect your vision.
Primary Care
As a part of your overall physical wellness, you should schedule eye exams at least once every two years. During an eye exam, Dr. Valenti will check your vision and use advanced diagnostic tools to check for eye disease. Even if your vision is fine, regular eye exams are still important to catch conditions before they advance to cause vision problems.
Dry Eye
If you have chronic dry eye, Dr. Valenti will perform a thorough examination to determine the underlying cause. Once this is determined, Dr. Valenti can create a custom treatment plan with medicated eye drops, medication, or a procedure to give you relief from dry eye.
A common eye disease in patients over 40, cataracts cause blurry vision by creating cloudiness in the eye's lens. Many adults don’t know they have cataracts until their vision becomes blurry, but regular eye exams can detect cataracts at the early stages before visual problems start. Early detection of cataracts increases treatment options and helps patients avoid permanent vision loss.
Adults over the age of 40 also need to be checked for glaucoma. An eye disease known as the “silent thief of sight,” glaucoma creates pressure in the eye, which affects the optic nerve. At Dr. Valenti’s Practice, comprehensive eye exams include checking for signs of glaucoma so it can be treated before vision loss starts.
Contact Lens Fitting
To ensure contact lenses are comfortable, Dr. Valenti performs a contact lens fitting. In addition to a vision test and checking your overall eye health, a contact lens fitting takes measurements of your eyes and helps Dr. Valenti determine the best type of contact lens for your needs. During the appointment, Dr. Valenti can teach new users how to put in and remove their contact lenses.
Retinal Photography
Retinal photography is a non-invasive image taken of the back of the eye. The picture shows the health of the retina, optic disc, and blood vessels to help Dr. Valenti diagnose early signs of eye conditions like macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal toxicity, and more.
Pediatric Care
Before starting kindergarten or their first year in any Illinois school, every student in Illinois is required to get an eye exam to check their health and ensure their academic success. At Dr. Valenti’s Practice, we offer kindergarten and school exams, which test color vision, stereo vision, visual acuity, and binocular visual function.

Contact Us
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Opening Hours
Mon: Closed
Tue - Fri: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sat: 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM